As trusted members of the local community since our founding in 1952, our Rotary club has always counted on fundraisers and private donations from our members to fund our projects. But due to the unprecedented arrival of COVID-19, several of our major fundraising activities have been canceled (notably the River Cities Festival, Dining Out For A Year, and our Golf Tournament). It is the funds we raise in these events that empower us to be able to do so much good in the community.
Unusual circumstances call for unusual solutions… So, we are reaching out to those in the community who are able and willing to assist us with a tax-deductible donation to ensure that we are still able to help those who need it most.
Please take a look at our projects below, and know that your generous gift will be used wisely. Thank you in advance for your support during this difficult time for so many.
DONORS PLEASE NOTE: When you arrive to the 4th (final) screen, after entering your cc#, you will need to hit the “tab” key to go down to the lower half of the screen where you will see the blue “Donate” button and complete your transaction.
Here is a small sampling of projects our Rotary club has done in and around Miami:
- Collecting school supplies for underprivileged children
- Donating funds for an emergency surgery needed by a child without health insurance
- Participating in Career Day at Elementary and Middle schools
- Hosting monthly “Funsters” socials for local senior citizens
- Granting scholarships to local college-bound high school seniors via the Alex Bromir Scholarship Fund (named in honor of one of our members)
- Sending inner-city school children on field trips to aquariums and museums
- Annual Christmas turkey basket drive for low-income families in Seminola
- Serving lunch to homeless families at Chapman Partnership
- Delivering gift baskets to home-bound seniors in our community
- Financially supporting the Empowered Youth Program for troubled teen boys
- Participating in the Adopt-a-Family for the Holidays Program
- Asking local businesses to sponsor doggie waste stations throughout Miami Springs
- Hosting a variety of annual events for our community including the Poker and Golf Tournaments; also participating in the River Cities Festival
- Partnering with the Miami Airport Rotary Club to distribute shoes to Edison Park School to children 5-14 years old via the Healthy Happy Tiny Feet Program
- Raising funds for new school uniforms for homeless children via ticket sales from our annual Dining Out for a Year Raffle
- Delivering books to elementary schools in low-income areas
- Funding and installing wheelchair ramps for seniors