Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. Our club was chartered on April 22, 1952, and since that time we have been one of the most continuously active clubs in District 6990 (South Florida and the Bahamas). Throughout the years, our club has continually provided services for our community, state, nation, and many countries.

I love Rotary because of the fulfilling projects our club does for the community and its residents. The projects Rotary International does around the world are great too! I love the camaraderie within our club, and the good feeling of service above self.

I love Rotary because of the friendships you develop, the satisfaction you receive after working on successful community projects, and the amazing charitable organizations we have been able to contribute to and work with to help achieve their goals.

I love Rotary because it gives me the opportunity to help others while enjoying the great camaraderie and friendships that I’ve made within my club. We get to do good things for our community with like-minded people.
Friendship: We create lifelong friendships in our local and international communities.
Personal Growth: Every week, you are exposed to new thoughts, new professions and new opportunities to learn. Membership in Rotary helps to make our members better individuals, community leaders, and humanitarians.
Professional Development: Rotary is a network of business, professional and community leaders, who have a culture of high level of integrity and purpose.
Leadership Development: Rotary teaches how to lead in the context of a volunteer organization. If you can be an effective leader in Rotary, you can be an effective leader in your business.
Community: Through our service projects, Rotary clubs help our members become better community citizens and more connected with community leaders and the needs of the community.
Continuing Education: Attendance at the weekly meeting exposes our members to the meeting’s program which include speakers talking on a variety of topics.
Fun: Rotary is fun. The club projects are fun. Social activities are fun. And the service is fun! Our club meetings and other events are filled with fellowship, humor and entertainment. Our members are friendly, welcoming and engaging.
Public Speaking Skills: Participating in a Rotary club helps our member to develop confidence and skills in public communication, and the opportunity to use it.
Global Citizens: Rotary is in more than 200 countries and geographical regions. This global presence gives our members the exclusive opportunity to create friends in both the local community and the world community.
Opportunities for the Family: Involvement in a Rotary club immediately integrates the family into a community’s support network. Rotary service projects are an ideal opportunity for working with your children to teach them the value of helping others.
The Opportunity to Serve: Service is what Rotarians do. We change the lives of others in need. Your membership in Rotary gives you the opportunity, structure, know-how, and resources to provide service to others.
Ethics: One of Rotary’s core principles is the “4-way Test” (see bottom of this page) which governs everything we think, say, and do.